Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Kates Playground Hordcore

fourth millennium presents as fact an urban legend about the accident at Los Rodeos

completely extracted from Magonia article because it's well explained there.

long time I just see Fourth Millennium, Four paranormal magazine occasionally. Iker Jiménez's speech and his team is terribly boring and I also The program is broadcast at an inconvenient time for those who have to get up early on Monday. However, try to record all deliveries and, when passing them to DVD, I see that there have been random errors in the process. In those was on Tuesday when a stop testing the program on Sunday coincided with the time that a guest had to Jimenez and Paul Villarrubia how someone had predicted the plane crash of Los Rodeos (Tenerife), which killed 583 people at two Boeing 747s collide on the track on March 27, 1977. Out of curiosity, I retreated into the recording.

The expert was Fernando Hernandez, Essence of Midnight, one of the many web sites dedicated uncritical disclosure of the paranormal. Hernandez was, before his serious partners, who days earlier before the accident at Los Rodeos became a parapsychological experiment at the American University of Duke, the same in which Joseph B. Rhine made his famous and falsified tests Zener cards. In it, students had to guess what would be one week later, the news front page of a newspaper that Hernandez did not materialize. The predictions, he continued, were kept in the safe of the president of the institution and not read until after the deadline. When on March 29 opened the envelope containing the forecast by Lee Fried, a 19 years, the surprise was great: he predicted the crash of Los Rodeos! According to Hernandez, placed on the ballot there would be 583 killed in the collision of two Boeing 747 aircraft.

The case sounded anything, so as I could, I turned to Google. Yes there my surprise was great: I was able to find only seven references, three English, two in what I think is Danish, one English and one in Italian. One text was José Gregorio González, canary mystery salesman and fellow adventures of Hernandez. Entitled "The paranormal side of the accident at Los Rodeos' the article is posted on the web Essence Midnight, was released a few weeks ago, tells the story of Lee Fried with some variation and some more detail, and includes an interesting final note:

"For years we have followed Track this spectacular case without a verdict on its authenticity (emphasis added). The context is true: there is a student with that name registered, Sanford chaired the university becoming governor and Vick actually occupied that position. Experience been reviewed by several authors, including some social psychologists, but lack the final confirmation. One of our recent efforts we drove to Sally Rhine, daughter of the famous researcher and head of his laboratory. Do not remember the case but promised to inquire into his voluminous file. We are still waiting "

had thought from the beginning that it could be an urban legend, but he could never have guessed is that in the web of those who had submitted in Four as a fact, it is accepted that was only a rumor. Even if it already said enough of journalistic rigor Fourth Millennium team-frivolous a tragedy like that of Los Rodeos sprinkling of nonsense paranormal shows also its moral standing, "the ball went in the eaves." It happened in March 1977 something like that indicated by Fernando Hernández and José Gregorio González?

When paranormal researchers-they like to call it that, have not reached a conclusion about an incident of this kind after years, when not even know whether it happened or not, but that does not prevent them from selling it as fact - what could make a vulgar journalist? As if the flute sounded, I decided to resort to an obvious source: Duke University. So early Wednesday morning sent an email to his press office. I told them the story of premonition and asked if she had recorded in their files, as would logic to an event of such importance. A typing error, typing is not mine, made at one point write 1997 instead of 1977. Early in the afternoon of Thursday, I received the following message, in English, original: "

" Good morning, Luis,

best I can tell you is that it is an urban legend. Is what I said to File fellow college and they had heard a similar story before (though in 1977, not 1997, as you mentioned), but no record to show that something happened.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Kelly Gillmer

Specialist Communication

Duke University Office of the President
Press Office and Communication

Look for where there is a rational explanation for all human history is an urban legend. And the surprising thing is that I have found it without moving from home in a couple of days and the cost of a connection to Intenet. I understand, however, that such extraordinary means may not be available to researchers and Essence of Midnight Fourth Millennium, explaining that neither Villarrubia and Jimenez and his wife and agent-Carmen Porter-called into question the veracity of Hernandez at any time. Remember how honest seekers of truth Four paranormal program also engulfed in June last year, the cosmonaut's ghost story because they were unable to make a simple Google search would have revealed to them that history was also a fiction. Enjoy the video.


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