Use of mobile stations Thief
sensitive issue which we will discuss.
This legend Urban certainly has deepened here a letter that was sent by internet: ALERT
SHELL "If you are using a mobile phone while driving a car, keep it inside the while refueling. There have been three cases to time.
1 .- A few months ago at a gas station in Bandar Sri Damansara, the car owner put his mobile phone on the roof and began to refuel. The phone rang and the vehicle caught fire with the vapor leaving the tank.
2 .- A man burned his face as he spoke by telephone and refueling.
3 .- A man is burned pants because the mobile phone was in his pocket rang while refueling. The use of handsfree accessories not reduce the risk.
KEEP THE TELEPHONE IN THE CAR. Almost all phones indicate "unanswered calls, missed calls or the number" So why take risks?.
Apparently the keyboard or the bell that produces a small electrical spark sufficient to ignite fuel vapors. Please note this shipping and transmítaselas to your friends.
This is not a joke! Aston Cooke
Division Manager of Communications & Affairs
Public Shell Company (WI) SRL
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is evidence that no event has occurred by the use of cell phones, yet there have been bans and today is open the debate.
Here is an article in El Periodico (extracted from him except Digital)
The major oil companies, Repsol except prevent the use of portable
argue that the phone can cause explosions and corrupt accountants
The government undermines the extent and denies that the dangers are tested
Most gas stations have placed this summer English posters signals prohibiting mobile phone use. Establishments argues that it is a "strengthening of security" to the danger of explosions or interference occurring in the accounts of suppliers. Experts say that these risks are unproven, and the ministries of Health and Science and Technology said that there is no serious reason for the veto and so far, no standard. Cepsa
in August has put a sticker on each of its 3444 suppliers, 42% of those in Spain. Follow the lead of U.S. multinationals Esso and Shell Petroleum and British English, which began two years ago prohibitive-placing stickers next to those of non- smoke or fire-lighting, and billboards and messages through loudspeakers. Repsol only remains on the lookout "until more conclusive studies prompted some authority."
A radius of 10 meters
Esso requires its customers not to use their phones in a radius of 10 meters around the gas pump. "The law currently says nothing, but could be dangerous. It is suspected that the use of a mobile was an explosion two years ago at a gas station in Japan," says Felix Gallego, director of the company's public schools. For Shell, the possibility of an explosion may seem remote, but "our studies suggest prohibition. "British Petroleum also argued that mobile phones" may interfere with the operation of controls suppliers.
According Cepsa gas station explosion occurred in a place of Indonesia and the only cause of the accident was found was the use of a mobile. "The gases are very delicate. When serving the flammable fuel vapors, and we must be careful with electricity and communication facilities for their wave frequencies, "said his spokeswoman, Mary Ritter. He added that although the law does not set the ban, the measure was taken for personal safety and the user, "to be understanding."
The Ministry of Science and Technology ensures that there is no rule prohibiting the use of mobile stations, or given by the former Ministry of Industry and Energy, or by the regional councils. His spokesman said he did not see any reason to stop into the controversy, since "there seems to be a security problem for users."
Neither the Ministry of Health provides for any action against the mobile, unlike the smoking ban does exist at the pump. "We formed a committee to study the safety and potential impact on health, but neither in Spain nor in the World Health Organization is no studies have proved nothing, "the sources said department heads Celia Villalobos.
Oil Companies Organization for Security and Environment (CONCAWE), based in Brussels, acknowledges that there is no technical reason not conclusive evidence risk to carry out the ban.
Consumers considered illegal threats of fines.
gas station employees who have placed signs to warn drivers of potential fines and suspension of service if you use the phone. " I do not want any trouble, but is prohibited. We can sanction the Civil Guard. Better not use ", said Juan Luis, an employee of a Cepsa petrol station on the N-2, where the stickers were placed for 12 days. "Turn off the engine completely and refrain from using mobile phones," the speaker repeated a fountain next to the sports city of Real Madrid.
"While the law does not say, the Civil Guard is not going to complain to anyone if you talk to the car and while standing regulations make no illegal activity," replied Francisco Altozano, spokesman for the Traffic Department.
According to the Organisation of Consumers and Users, is "inadmissible" and "illogical" ban. "It's not legal. That seriously explain why. If the counters are altered by the use of mobile phones, surely not to their detriment, "says his spokesman, Ileana Izverniceanu."
interference is detected only in medical devices.
The dozen studies on the impact of mobile health units and have differences. Was only found clear interference machinery for medical use.
PACEMAKER. Interaction unlikely. But there have been cases and doctors advise against its use in patients implanted.
BIOMEDICINE. Two investigations have found that, on a total of 224 medical systems studied, four (two apnea monitors and two ventilators) suffered interference. The use of the mobile is restricted in English hospitals.
FIRE. According to Alejandro Ubeda, a English member of the European committee investigating the effects of mobile phones has never been confirmed that the spark of a mobile trigger a fire in a petrol station in Indonesia. There have been no reports of a similar case. The mobile phone features are so unlikely event that completely lacks base.
RADIATION. The studies show that they occur, but minimal. Do not come to one milliwatt per square centimeter of surface. Its best known effect is the heat. Limitations have been established and manufacturers have committed to all levels indicating devices since 2001.
CANCER. Depends specific cases. A large study conducted by Lennart Hardell says that there is an increase in people who already had tumors. The increase is not statistically significant and could be due to chance. Another French study also detected an increase in cancers in general.
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in Snopes you can see how this urban legend is completely false. Http://
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