Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sugaring Brazilians Ottawa


The following is the Decalogue:
  1. respect the environment and keep it clean, leaving no trace of our presence and no waste of any kind .
  2. No litter or pollute streams, rivers, lakes ... water, in general, that may exist.
  3. not throw cigarette butts or in or around the mountain. Respect the flora
  4. and fauna.
  5. not irresponsibly exploit the forest resources we offer in order to preserve a sustainable manner.
  6. not introduce new animal or plant species that could alter the life cycle of the ecosystem. Collaborate
  7. cleanup actions, either deposited in the forest litter or dead branches and foliage to prevent fires.
  8. Collaborate on reforestation should be required to prevent the retreat of the forest.
  9. Promote responsible public use, not realizing camping, barbecues or campfires, in the places that are not allowed. Avoid
  10. circular motor vehicle or make much noise and disturb the peace of mind that the forest and its inhabitants.

teacher. Bosque Notebook and life of the Junta de Extremadura.


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